Sanskrit has been known as the primary language of Hinduism and helped in the making of several other languages. Sanskrit Diwas is an annual celebration of this beautiful language and is commemorated on Purnima day in the holy month of Shravan according to the Hindu calendar. The date of World Sanskrit Day varies every year as per the tithi of Shravan Purnima, and Sanskrit Diwas 2019 was celebrated on August 21st as per the timing of the Shravan full moon in Shri D. D. Choksi College of Secondary Education and Smt. S. P. Kothari College of Secondary Education. Dr. Girish Thakar, ex-director of G. D. Modi College and Sanskrit Expert was present in the college along with Dr. Neelu Ghosh, principal of the college. The Sanskrit Exhibition was conducted in Sanskrit room. Then after Maitri Prajapati, the student of Shri D. D. Choksi College of Secondary Education delievered a speech about Sanskrit Heena Chaudhary a student sang a song in Sanskrit. Our Chief Guest also explained about the importance of Sanskrit language and why it is the best language. The program was concluded by the thanks giving ceremony by Dr. Bharat Bhai Mali.