D.D.Choksi College of Secondary Education arranged guest lecture on for Vedic Maths. Being Civil Engineer Shri Balavantbhai Parmar has been imparting Vedic Mathematics skills over the years. He inspires and informs people, helping them realize their true potential by introducing them to our ancient Indian system of Mathematics.
The lecture focused on the approach of Vedic Maths to solve various mathematical problems which we come across in our day to day life. He initiated the talk by tracing history of Vedic Maths in brief. He introduced various methods such as base method, multiple and sub multiple methods, general multiplication: vertically and crosswise; highlighting the principle involved behind each. He kept the students engaged by giving them some problems to solve and then discussed their solutions before proceeding to next method. All these techniques are extremely useful to do big calculations in a fraction of seconds. Later, he cleared the doubts faced by students. Programme conclude with votes of thanks by Principal of D.D.Choksi College of Secondary Education.